About Our Chapter

Our Chapter’s Beginning


In 2000, one of our church couples who was involved in fostering children who had suffered the trauma of abuse and neglect, discovered Royal Family KIDS Camp. This was a camp specifically designed for these traumatized children. We decided a Royal Family Kids Camp, would be good for the traumatized children of Racine County in the 7 to 11 age group. In 2002 we launched our first camp which was an amazing experience. The hardest part of camp for 14 years was saying goodbye to our campers at the end of camp, knowing that we would have no further contact with them for a year.

In 2016, we received an answer to this dilemma when we were able to launch our Royal Family Kids Mentoring Club. Since then, we are able to spend time with many of those same kids, one Saturday a month during the whole school year.

To learn more about our camp or our mentoring club see below.


Royal Family Kids Camp

So how do we tell you about the amazing place our camp is. Once every summer since 2002, about 50 plus volunteers gather together at a campground in southern Wisconsin where we wait for a busload of beautiful children ages 7 to 11 to come for a week of camp. These are very special children because they have come from hard places, places where they have been abused, neglected, abandoned and all to frequently shuffled from home to home in foster care or other out of home placement…

Royal Family Kids - Mentoring Club

For many years, when Camp ended each summer we had to say our good-byes to our campers not knowing if or when we would see them again. BUT NOT ANY MORE!! Thanks to the addition of our Mentoring Club Program, Royal Family KIDS has the opportunity to impact our campers from September through May as well…

Royal Family KIDS Camp 2022

Royal Family KIDS Camp 2023